Howsomever, there is a big rummage sale this Friday-Saturday put on by the local C'dale churches and then the C'dale Library book sale on Saturday. More books, I betcha. I will certainly be scarfing up any Kenyon books I see. Or Horse stories. Or Mrs. Tim.
I had a good time at CVS on Sunday, and didn't even use any ECBS. I bought three gift bags at $1.49 each. They are a cvs brand Essence of Beauty product and the sale this month is buy 3 items get 5 ECB's. The RX essentials again, I had 2 $5 manufacturers coupons and a $5 cvs coupon for them that expired on Sunday. The special was buy one, get one free. They cost $14.99, minus my $15 in coupons. The Excederin is another special this week, $1.99 each with $2 manufacturers coupons floating around, and $1 ecb's each. With my $4 off of $20 purchase coupon, I paid less than a dollar and got back $8 in ECB's. So once again, they paid me $7.50 to take this stuff home. Do you see Mica in the upper corner, trying to eat some bag ties?

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