Friday, October 22, 2010
Sassy lost 2/10 of a pound in the last two weeks. She didn't like the canned food the vet sent home with us and she didn't like the taste of the stuff in the syringe that I was supposed to give her every day for five days. She threw it up both times I tried. They ran a pretty complete bloodwork on her and everything came back "boring" my Vet said, which means within normal ranges. Through the process of elimination he has decided she has an irritable bowel and we are starting on a course of Prednisolone. Half a pill twice a day for a week, and then I am supposed to let him know how things are going. It's a good thing she is easy to pill. Not like the youngsters. They hate it! He sent home a sample of dry food that is the same as the canned and glory be, she likes it!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Slow and lazy week and Mica
I decided to give my back a break and have been doing some cooking (Lasagna) and reading this week. I did have to take some boxes to the post office, but I haven't been moving them all over the place here at home. I do plan on spending some time in the shed tomorrow, figuring out a better layout for the shelves so that I can get to stuff even when the lawnmower is tucked away.
I haven't talked about Mica much, but she is a gorgeous tortoiseshell with some strange personality quirks. She has a crackly Meow and has had since she was a baby. She loves a cell phone and will come whenever I pull it out to talk or text. She will get right up in my face. She also loves the plastic caps off of my Mt. Dew and will suddenly appear when I open one up. I try to hide them from her but she will fish them out of wherever I put them. She loves to play volleyball with little wads of paper that I trim off of my shipping labels. She and Jean-Claude will bat them all over the place, but she will leap to bat them in air before they hit the ground. She has a fluffy coat with an undercoat that her brother doesn't have. Unfortunately, more hair means hairballs. She does love to be brushed, but sometimes I think that just causes more shedding.
I haven't talked about Mica much, but she is a gorgeous tortoiseshell with some strange personality quirks. She has a crackly Meow and has had since she was a baby. She loves a cell phone and will come whenever I pull it out to talk or text. She will get right up in my face. She also loves the plastic caps off of my Mt. Dew and will suddenly appear when I open one up. I try to hide them from her but she will fish them out of wherever I put them. She loves to play volleyball with little wads of paper that I trim off of my shipping labels. She and Jean-Claude will bat them all over the place, but she will leap to bat them in air before they hit the ground. She has a fluffy coat with an undercoat that her brother doesn't have. Unfortunately, more hair means hairballs. She does love to be brushed, but sometimes I think that just causes more shedding.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Yard sale and freecycle
Didn't get rid of enough in the yardsale yesterday so I put in two offers on Freecycle, one for the books and one for some kitchen appliances. They should be gone by 1:00 today. I did take two boxes of books to the Herrin Library last night and I have two bags of clothes to take to the Pantry on Tuesday.
Karen and Sherri came over Friday night and helped me get set up, thank goodness! I am going to take some fall and winter suits to the Consignment shop, and some of the other clothes will get packed up for my store.
Sassy still hasn't bounced back the way I wanted, so I am calling the Vet in the morning and will be taking her in for some blood work. She won't be happy about that!
She's the middle one, licking her chops while waiting for snacks!
Karen and Sherri came over Friday night and helped me get set up, thank goodness! I am going to take some fall and winter suits to the Consignment shop, and some of the other clothes will get packed up for my store.
Sassy still hasn't bounced back the way I wanted, so I am calling the Vet in the morning and will be taking her in for some blood work. She won't be happy about that!
She's the middle one, licking her chops while waiting for snacks!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Interesting week so far. Murphy visits.
My refrigerator stopped cooling over the weekend and I took items I wished to save to Karen's. Sassy was sick and I had an appointment for her Monday morning, ( she is still in isolation in my bathroom.) Then I packed up the freezer items and took them to Karen's so I could defrost mine and see if that solved the problem before I called out a mechanic. I then went to Faner and visited some people, dropped a book off for a friend and picked up some farm eggs from Terri. Had my massage and adjustment, then back to Karen's for DWTS. Tuesday I get home and check on Sassy, then try to go on line and my modem is bad. I call Verizon/Frontier and they get a new one in the mail. Meanwhile I still need to print out packing slips and postage for Ebay auctions, so back to Karens I go. Sassy is still alone, and getting medicine twice a day. The refrigerator gets plugged in and seems to be cooling. I try to go into log some of the recent receipts into my budget program, but my computer won't turn on. Sigh.
I take my computer tower to Happy Toms in Energy and they replace the power button. I pick it up Wed. afternoon after taking the remaining two cats in for their yearly check-up.and go to Karens to watch the rescue of the miners and pickup some of my food.
Thursday morning the modem is delivered, I hook up my computer and still can't turn it on. Back to Happy Toms we go. I need a new power supply. He replaces it while I wait and it only costs $31. Yippee! I get it home and it works! Now I have to get going on all these boxes of books that I was supposed to be working on this week, so I can put the culls out in the yardsale on Saturday.
But first I am going back for another Massage and adjustment. Long week already.
I take my computer tower to Happy Toms in Energy and they replace the power button. I pick it up Wed. afternoon after taking the remaining two cats in for their yearly check-up.and go to Karens to watch the rescue of the miners and pickup some of my food.
Thursday morning the modem is delivered, I hook up my computer and still can't turn it on. Back to Happy Toms we go. I need a new power supply. He replaces it while I wait and it only costs $31. Yippee! I get it home and it works! Now I have to get going on all these boxes of books that I was supposed to be working on this week, so I can put the culls out in the yardsale on Saturday.
But first I am going back for another Massage and adjustment. Long week already.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Sassy is sick.
Just got back from the vet. Sassy weighs just 5.48 pounds, down a pound from last year and down 2 pounds from 2 years ago. She has been having loose stools and not using the litter box. We put her on a special food and two different medications and if she does not get better in a couple of days we will be doing some bloodwork on her. Even if she does get better we will be going in for a weight check up in a few weeks. I got the carrier out this morning and opened the door before I went to get her from the bathroom, where I am keeping her isolated. When I came back out to put her in, Jean-Claude was already in it. Trying to get her in and him out at the same time. Priceless. I knew if I let go of her I would never catch her again in time for the appointment. Everything has to be about Jean-Claude. He is a primadonna. I did make the kids appointment for Wednesday for their yearly check-up. They are just over 3 years old now.
Eggs and Cats
I decided to add this picture of my two eggs, the one on the left from a friend who has chickens, and the one on the right an EGGLAND organic egg. Look at the difference between those two yolks! Guess where I will be getting my eggs from now on.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
MRI's are noisy.
I had my first MRI today, of my right knee. I had headphones on with NPR but it was just background noise because the machine was so NOISY. Have to wait till sometime tomorrow to see what we do next. Massage and adjustment this afternoon, then some packages to the post office. Bid, people, bid!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Road Construction
I had to get to SAMs today for cat food, litter and large padded envelopes. They are widening the road from 4 lane to 6 lane and major construction right at the entrance, so you had to drive around and come in the back way. Why do we need 6 lanes in little old Marion, IL? Because the Mall is right there and there is no busier place around. I get my hair cut at that mall, and I sometimes go into Target, but that is a real danger zone for me. I can walk out of Wal-mart with only items on my shopping list, but Target nabs me everytime. Other than that, I have no use for a mall. Maybe I will walk there this winter, before it opens.
I went to see the Dr. today about my right knee and we are scheduling a MRI to see what's catching.
Putting the trash out tonight, one barrel. Got my first 6 auctions written up for next Sunday, 14 to go! I made some sweet and sour chicken tonight, with rice. Yum. I think I am going to freeze it for later because I don't want any more this week. I am going to make my fruited chicken salad and use up the greens before they go slimy. I did finish all the potato salad and have a couple more hard boiled eggs to eat. Need to boil my last two ears of corn and eat them up. I think I will make some Salmon patties to round out the week. I am trying to clean out the refrigerator and transition to fall foods--it was in the low 30's last night!
I went to see the Dr. today about my right knee and we are scheduling a MRI to see what's catching.
Putting the trash out tonight, one barrel. Got my first 6 auctions written up for next Sunday, 14 to go! I made some sweet and sour chicken tonight, with rice. Yum. I think I am going to freeze it for later because I don't want any more this week. I am going to make my fruited chicken salad and use up the greens before they go slimy. I did finish all the potato salad and have a couple more hard boiled eggs to eat. Need to boil my last two ears of corn and eat them up. I think I will make some Salmon patties to round out the week. I am trying to clean out the refrigerator and transition to fall foods--it was in the low 30's last night!
Monday, October 4, 2010
I am up too late.
Went to Karen's to watch Dancing with the Stars tonight. I am ready for Mr. Situation to go home. Had my massage and adjustment today and am going back tomorrow to see Dr. about my right knee, which continues to have a catch in it. Had to check on my auctions and see what was happening on facebook, so thought I better pop in here and make a few notes. I am tickled that this item has a bid, and hope it isn't going to be a costume of some sort! I think I am going to go back to listing about 20 auctions on Sunday evening and letting the weekday ones go. I just seem to get better bids on Sunday. I am experimenting with free shipping on some of the auctions I put up last night. I want to see if they really do get more bids.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
October '10 goals--Cut down on trash!
My goals this month are going to be cutting down on the trash I put out for pickup and not throwing away any food! I normally only put out one 33 gallon trash bin every other week, but with the cleaning out the house program I am on it has been one or two containers a week. I still have lots to take to the recycling and I took some stuff to the pantry yesterday. It is very disheartening to see what people put out EVERY trash day. It scares me somewhat, that we are such a wasteful society. If I didn't keep my cats indoors I wouldn't have the resulting kitty litter disposal problem, but I also would be burying them too soon. Been there, done that. I guess I could stop feeding them!
I am also going to make an effort to avoid items with so much additional packaging, when I can. Cardboard I can deal with because it is recyclable but that plastic is a killer, and no place around here recycles foam.
A friend of mine has chickens and I can send her the egg cartons to reuse. Which reminds me, I had two of her eggs left and boiled them and some organic eggs from Kroger. Boy was it obvious which were which when I sliced them. The pale yellow egg yolks from Kroger just don't compare. I am going to try and get all my eggs from her from now on. And I paid premium price for those store eggs!
I used three of them in my potato salad and will devil the last 4. Had to use up some potatoes that were getting a little soft! I used mustard, Mom, so you wouldn't like it!
I am also going to make an effort to avoid items with so much additional packaging, when I can. Cardboard I can deal with because it is recyclable but that plastic is a killer, and no place around here recycles foam.
A friend of mine has chickens and I can send her the egg cartons to reuse. Which reminds me, I had two of her eggs left and boiled them and some organic eggs from Kroger. Boy was it obvious which were which when I sliced them. The pale yellow egg yolks from Kroger just don't compare. I am going to try and get all my eggs from her from now on. And I paid premium price for those store eggs!
I used three of them in my potato salad and will devil the last 4. Had to use up some potatoes that were getting a little soft! I used mustard, Mom, so you wouldn't like it!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Still recovering from the yard sale.
I had another adjustment at the chiroprator today, and starting next week it will be twice instead of thrice a week. Still going to be getting my two 30 min. massages though! I carried too many boxes too many times for the yardsale and was in dire straits on Sunday, but they took care of me on Monday and I really do seem to be bouncing back quicker from the strains. Watched "Dancing with the Stars" with Karen on Mon. and Tues. I like Jennifer Grey and Brandy at this point. Rick Fox is one.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
The yard sale is a go!
Put my ad in the paper today, so it's a go. It's going to be hotter than I like, but I need to get this stuff moving. Shipped the jacket to Australia today, and 4 other packages went out in the mail. I am feeling pretty good, since this is only a couple of weeks into the retirement and I am actually accomplishing what I set out to do. I am culling out my pottery collection, which is a toughy. I'm keeping most of the McCoy, and all the swans, but the rest will need to find new homes. I'll try to take some pictures after I get the tables set up on Saturday.
I have a massage and adjustment tomorrow at 10:30, but then I will be in yardsale mode. Have to pick up some change and put out my signs. I have most everything priced that needs to be priced.
I have a massage and adjustment tomorrow at 10:30, but then I will be in yardsale mode. Have to pick up some change and put out my signs. I have most everything priced that needs to be priced.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
CVS'n again
So I just had to go do this one because there was a $4 off of $20 purchase coupon that expired on the 15th.
CVS ad showed the Alive vitamins, the candy and the Nivea were all producing ECB's equal to their price and the green tea was giving $2 ECBS. I had a $7.99 ECB from late August.
I spent $10.21 cash and got back $18 in ECB's. The vitamins and nivea are for a friend. I got my tea for free, basically. I haven't been going to CVS lately, but every once in a while they drag me in. I have such a stockpile I have to take a break!
Monday, September 13, 2010
What you find at Goodwill
I just listed a VALENTINO Boutique item on Ebay. It's a wool suit from the late 80's or early 90's, but there are lots of people out there who love their vintage clothing. I paid $7 and have it listed at $49.99. We will see. I also have a CHRISTIAN DIOR boys sports jacket listed. It was hung up in with the women's jackets. They both have watchers, but no bids yet.
ps..the Dior has a bid from someone in Australia!
ps..the Dior has a bid from someone in Australia!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
The Warrior spirit as written by Brian DeToy
Brian wrote this about an event at West Point on Friday. The link will take you to photos of the event.
We are the priviliged few
Those of us who were able to see a truly special event late Friday afternoon. While there were a couple hundred of us there, I wish it could have been thousands.
You see, seven warriors came up from Walter Reed and shared with us their spirit, their truly indomitable spirit, for a beautiful half hour. They were veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, young non-commissioned officers from the ranks of corporal through staff-sergeant. Six had lost legs and one an arm. One had an above the knee amputation and one had both legs amputated.
They were coming to test themselves against the famed West Point Indoor Obstacle Course (the IOCT). This is a grueling test for young fit soldiers. And here were these young men, bodies that had been broken-smashed-pulverized, going to stare it down and push themselves to and across the threshold of pain and adversity. They had come up to West Point that morning, been given a tour of the phenomenal Arvin Gym facilities and had the IOCT demonstrated for them. They worked on a few of the tasks themselves and prepared for the test at 4 PM. They expected little fanfare and few observers – they were here for themselves – to challenge themselves.
But the word had got out. Wounded Warriors were going to brave the IOCT! And so we came. I had known of the event for several weeks as one of the officers escorting them up from DC was an old cadet of mine. Others found out just that afternoon. And they came and filled the stands on the west side of historic old Hayes Gym in the center of Arvin. It is a dusty, musty old barn – filled with the sweat and grime of 100 years. When they built the state-of the-art new facilities, they kept Hayes intact – like a little old house incorporated into the skyscraper around it. It is a timeless link to the Corps of the past – the Long Gray Line. And the IOCT links today’s cadets to their forebears who went through the same rigorous trial.
I arrived right at 4 and could hear the rumbling buzz in the gym before I stepped in. I smiled as I looked around, taking in the scene. There was an electric, yet festive air; everyone was expectant. I stood halfway down the course and looked down to the south end of the gym where the seven warriors had gathered. They were stretching and talking and looking around at the scene themselves. The stands filled with cadets and faculty, the center of the gym with senior officers – colonels and generals and visiting dignitaries (including a few deep-pockets donors). And lots of photographers and a video team. This was not what the wounded warriors had expected! But they were smiling and determined young men. Just after 4, the first two lined up to begin the test. Two more would go about every ten minutes. A seventh warrior, the one with the above the knee amputation and therefore with a larger, stiffer prosthetic, went alone at the end. The test consists of 11 events performed sequentially: low crawl under barrier, tire footwork, two-handed vault, leap and pull up to an 8 ft horizontal shelf, horizontal bar navigation, dive through a hanging tire, balance beam, 8 ft horizontal wall, 20 ft horizontal ladder, 16 ft vertical rope, and 350m sprint (carrying a 6 lb medicine ball for the first 120m, a baton for the second 120m, and empty-handed for the remaining 110m). Because of the unique level of athletic skill needed to pass the test and the tremendous level of effort needed to excel at it, the IOCT holds a special place in the hearts of all West Point Cadets and graduates. YouTube has many videos about it, both serious and comical. The IOCT is both feared and revered by the members of the Long Gray Line.
As the first pair set off on their test, the place went wild with noise! And it sustained itself for the entire half hour, rising with each successful completion of a task. One of my instructors was walking on the street outside and he said it sounded like 20,000 people cheering at a football game! The wounded men were nothing but phenomenal. The courage they demonstrated, attempting an incredibly difficult test in front of hundreds of strangers, in front of senior leaders and cameras, was awe inspiring. I cannot say enough or write in any way that tells how profoundly I and we were touched by this display of the human spirit. I clapped till my hands hurt, I smiled like a crazy drunken man, I had tears fill my eyes and a few coursed down my cheeks. Others just let the tears roll the whole time! We were slapping each others’ backs and cheering wildly. If a warrior struggled with a task (climbing over a wall, climbing a rope, or staying on the balance beam) we screamed our support – and they never gave up – they accomplished everything! One fell off the beam five times. I thought for a second he might just move on to the next event. But, no. On the sixth attempt he made it across and the roof nearly lifted off old Hayes! After climbing the rope to a track above, the warriors set out on their run with prosthetic legs that perhaps needed an adjustment after the pounding they’d just gone through but the warriors persevered. They were amazing. No other word to describe them.
I made eye contact with cadets, officers and others I knew in the gym – just a silent smile and head nod that signified that we knew we were sharing a very special moment. We’ve all lost friends and comrades, former students and others, along the way in this war. We’ve friends who’ve lost limbs and eyesight, like these men here before us. And the spirit, the will to win – it . . just . . doesn’t . . quit. As I look around me, I am taken back to the last day of January where, in the al Faw Palace on Camp Victory, I had been present when we brought back a similar number of wounded warriors to Iraq so that they could have their own Operation Proper Exit. This time they went home proudly on their feet. I was so moved then, hugging those guys – telling them we would finish the job for them. And with us that day was our boss, General Ray Odierno, head of US military efforts in Iraq. Fast forward to last Friday and, in the midst of the event, in walks that unmistakable tall man with the bald dome – Odierno. There is no fanfare. He just wants to see his boys. His own son is a wounded warrior, an amputee. No one has seen as much service in Iraq as General O; he knows the cost. He just gave up command there last week. He is here now to see these men challenge themselves and, in so doing, challenge all of us watching them – especially the young cadets here. There is no way any of these future officers will quit now – not after having seen what they just did! We are all – inspired. No better word. Inspired.
Afterwards, after the head of the PE department, the Master of the Sword, has spoke, we all approach the warriors, shake hands and hug. I am in civvies, wearing a Kansas Jayhawk shirt and one young corporal says “Hey, sir, love the shirt – I’m from Wichita!” He is missing a leg but has just completed an incredible feat and has a world-beating grin tacked to his face. They are like rock stars! I hug them all and thank them for all they’ve done. I step back and look around the crowded gym floor and I know this for a fact – I have never had a better moment in my over eight years of service at this Academy. This has been the single best thing I have seen or participated in during this whole time, over two different tours. I am so sorry I cannot convey it all the way I wish I could and should. Sometimes, truly, you had to be there.
Yesterday, Saturday, dawned a beautiful sunny blue-skied day here – nary a cloud the entire day. It was just like that September 11th morning nine years ago. The flag on West Point’s Plain was, of course, at half-staff. We had a parade by the Corps and then a football game and an incredible day here all around. Spirit. Joy. Remembrance. Camaraderie. Future. We do not forget. But we forge our future. Right here. Every day. As do you, I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing on 9-11. We do not forget. But we forge our future. Every day. Like Teddy Roosevelt’s Man in the Arena – we do not stand silent on the sidelines. And if we had forgot that – we remember it now; these beautiful young men, these brothers of ours – have shown us what the human spirit is capable of, what it means to have the heart of a lion. As I often do, at times of this type of reflection, I think of one of my true heroes - Abraham Lincoln. And, in his second Inaugural, just weeks before he was killed, he said, in closing, “Let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind the nation’s wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle: . ..” The Wounded Warrior program is doing that for today’s veteran. Well, at least it is in place for them and is now, I believe, a very good one. But – it depends, ultimately, on the individual soldier and what they decide they will do and become.
Friday afternoon I was one of a privileged few to see and experience that which we all wish would be the way we handle adversity. But, we really don’t know till we are faced with it. These seven very brave young men came into our lives and showed us what it mean to ‘soldier on’ – to live the Warrior Spirit.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Pricing for a Yard Sale!
I did get about 6 BIG boxes of stuff priced and out to the shed this week. I am storing the boxes of books in the front foyer and everything else out to the shed. I picked up a Lenox vase/bowl in the Holiday holly pattern today for a$1 and I can't find it anywhere online so i don't know what to start it at. I let Mica stay in the shot so you could see the size of it. It has been raining/misting since last night so I have been working inside. Hope to get ahead of the game and have some auctions sheduled to go up throughout the week by Sunday night.
I had another massage this morning and am still very tight through the shoulders and back. I haven't been icing like I should, because Ice is COLD. Dang it.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Greta the Great Dane
Greta is missing her Mom and Dad. She is a very docile Great Dane, who doesn't know that she is a dog. She moans and groans and sighs heavy sighs. She is a sloppy drinker. She Woofs when people walk by her house, but it is more of a conversation than a warning. She also sheds. Alot.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Took two days for my check because they mailed it from SURS. May take another month before they get the electronic transfer all worked out. Why does it take so long? I have a massage followed by Chiro tomorrow and then get to go visit with the Great Dane, Greta. She is fawn colored and about 5 years old. We will see if she will let me in the door. She only eats once a day, so that is easy enough, but she also needs to get some pills down. She is a couch potato.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
First Annuity Paycheck tomorrow. Woot!
I won't know how much it is till I check the Credit Union online and see what was deposited. Then I have to go right into my Budget program and parse it all out. It is going to be an interesting month. I have a Chiropractic appointment tomorrow morning and then in the afternoon I am going to meet Greta. She is a great dane that I am going to be babysitting Thursday-Sunday. I will get some pictures.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Budgeting and retirement
I am using a program called YNAB (You Need a Budget) because I have never been much of a budgeter and living off one paycheck a month may take a little getting used to. The first few months I am going to get an estimated payment while they complete all the paperwork, then a correction followed by my actual retirement pay. I will get a State University Retirement Check on September 1st, and I have one last paycheck from SIU coming in on the 10th, but then things will settle down. It was a little complicated setting up my accounts, because I have Paypal, Siu Credit union, ING and BOA checking accounts and savings at ING and SIUCredit Union. May need to do some consolidation.
I am also stuck at home till the 1st, because my health Insurance as an employee ended on the 27th and my retiree insurance doesn't kick in until Wednesday. I didn't plan that too well, but I didn't want to have to work these last two days!
I am also stuck at home till the 1st, because my health Insurance as an employee ended on the 27th and my retiree insurance doesn't kick in until Wednesday. I didn't plan that too well, but I didn't want to have to work these last two days!
Jean-Claude and Garnier Fructis
I finished a bottle of shampoo this week-end, and went to my stash for a new one. I pulled out a shampoo/conditioner from Garnier Fructis and had at it. I am now being groomed by my tuxedo boy, and realized it has been awhile since he did this. Actually, since I used Garnier last. There must be a strong enough aroma that he can smell it, but light enough so that I don't.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Today was my last day at work! I will go in Friday to fill out some paperwork, but this was it. Felt pretty good. to walk out that last time!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Eating out of the pantry in July!
I made two loaves of zucchini bread yesterday, and will be making blackberry muffins tonight to take to work tomorrow. I made salmon patties, 6 of them and had one for dinner. It's time to eat out of the pantry again. I am also going throught the cabinets and cleaning out all the things I am not going to want to pack up and take to MO--so it is time for a big yard sale, but not on a 90 degree week-end. As I gather this stuff up it is clear that I have the same addiction to dishes that my Mom does!
I have my second injection tomorrow, looking forward to it!
I have my second injection tomorrow, looking forward to it!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
My job contracts and I get injections in my knees.
I am back to just Faner again, and each morning as I open it up I tell myself, "Only ## more days of opening this building!" Today was 36. My last day of work at SIU will be August 27th. Yes, I am counting the days.
I had my first HYALGAN injections in my knees on Monday. It is a 5 week regimen with physical therapy 3 days a week and injections once a week. I am very pleased with the results of the first, as I slept without knee pain that night. Now to rebuild strength and flexibility.
I had my first HYALGAN injections in my knees on Monday. It is a 5 week regimen with physical therapy 3 days a week and injections once a week. I am very pleased with the results of the first, as I slept without knee pain that night. Now to rebuild strength and flexibility.
Monday, March 8, 2010
My job expands.
Just found out that I will be opening and maintaining 2 more buildings on campus starting tomorrow. I currently have Faner, and will be picking up Neckers and Public Policy Institute. Budget restraints are preventing the department from hiring anyone so as us old timers retire they are not replacing us, just spreading us around a bit thinner. 25 weeks to go. Sigh.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
My Drop Spindle
My drop spindle arrived in the mail today with a hunk of wool and some instructions. Wish me luck!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
I went down to Ft. Massac, on the Ohio River, Saturday. There was a meeting of the Weavers and Spinners Guild in the Visitor's Center. I have been interested in spinning ever since Bear's first shed.
He was a fuzzy boy. Anyhow, there were about 6 spinning wheels set up and the women said normally they have a much bigger turnout but the weather kept some of them at home. It was inspiring and fascinating. I came home and ordered a drop spindle. They meet every first Saturday, and next month I will be there for whatever help and hints they can offer me.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Cat food
I bought a 7 lb bag of Iams for the cats, and litter, and hamburger. Spent $26.87. I haven't really paid attention to how long a bag of food lasts, so this will be interesting. I am making a pizza casserole this weekend. I dropped two big bins of clothing to a young lady who has been losing a lot of weight. She said it felt like Christmas!
I have been invited down to Ft Massac for a spinning, weaving and quilting guild show tomorrow, but it is snowing pretty heavy right now. We will see what it looks like in the morning.
I have been invited down to Ft Massac for a spinning, weaving and quilting guild show tomorrow, but it is snowing pretty heavy right now. We will see what it looks like in the morning.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Sassy gets a shot.
Sassy had her check up yesterday, so I spent $40. She weighs .1 of a pound less than last year. Pretty consistent. Skinny little girl. I also put $26 worth of gas in the car today, but got 29 mpg so that's not bad. I need to get some cat food and kitty litter tomorrow. Joy. I had tuna salad and triscuits for lunch with an orange for a chaser. Ate bacon and pancakes for dinner. I have spaghetti for lunch tomorrow, and need to remember to take some more oatmeal to work. I am making some scalloped corn, because I love it as a side. I do need to come up with something to do with all the tomato sauce. Off to recipe hunt!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
I have a stuffy upped head.
I keep thinking I am going to try a dairy free diet to see if that will cut down on the stuffiness, but then I realize that means no cheese. NO CHEESE!!! I don't think I can do it. NO SOUR CREAM!!! Nope, can't see it happening. I don't drink milk, but I do use it on cereal and in cooking. It's the cheese. Or maybe I'm allergic to cats. Wouldn't that be a kicker.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Last minute Jan. 31st deal.
Was sorting through the coupons and came across a rebate that ends TODAY. It was a Nabisco offer, buy ten Crackers, Easy Cheese and/or Planters nuts, get $10 back. Kroger is having a buy ten items get $5 off that includes the crackers, and I had 3 $1 off of 2 and 2 $2 off of 2 coupons, some that expire today! So I went. I bought 10 boxes of Triscuits, different flavors. I use them with tuna salad, like chips and dip. I paid $10.17 after coupons, and will get the $10 back. After the cost of a stamp, the 10 boxes of triscuits cost me .60 total. Definitely worth the extra trip to me! I can go through 1.5 boxes a week when I am on a Tuna Salad kick!
Yes, I did check the best by date on the boxes and have till May to eat them. I did notice this evening that I am down to my last 25 double rolls of TP. I haven't spent money on TP in over two years. Or dish soap. Or toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, deoderant, paper towels, razors, bath wash, laundry soap, cleaners, sponges......
I love coupons and CVS and Walgreens and Krogers.
More deals at Money Saving Mom!
Yes, I did check the best by date on the boxes and have till May to eat them. I did notice this evening that I am down to my last 25 double rolls of TP. I haven't spent money on TP in over two years. Or dish soap. Or toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, deoderant, paper towels, razors, bath wash, laundry soap, cleaners, sponges......
I love coupons and CVS and Walgreens and Krogers.
More deals at Money Saving Mom!
Money logging blogging for February.
I want to curtail spending again this month, so I am going to attempt to log it all here. I have the $18 Register Rewards from Walgreens, and $30.98 ECB from CVS. My main problem is eating out, and books. I have been getting a lot listed and out of the house, and not near as much coming back in. I am sending a box of books off to Brian tomorrow. I will still be spending money shipping out books from bookmooch and ebay but plan to stay on top of that also. We will see how this goes. I know I am a dollar dribbler, big time.
End of the month shopping $35.20

Then I went to CVS, starting with 3 $10 ECBS. I had two $1.25 coupons for the Dove's Men stuff, which was $5.49 and giving $5.49 ECB. The febreeze had a B1G1 coupon and both it and the Fuze go towards the buy $25 get 10 ECB deal with the PG products this week. I also had a 4/20 coupon. I spent $1.49 and a 10 ECB and got a 10.98 ECB back. I also have 9.98 towards the $25 for the PG ecb. According to the receipt I saved 26.08 on this trip.
At Kroger I took advantage of their buy 10 get $5 off deal to work towards a $20 Nabisco rebate.
The 5 Easy Mac's are part of the rebate, and will be donated. They and the Hunts and Rotel were part of the B10G5 deal. I had coupons for the salad and yeast and decided to get another paper for more coupons this week. I spent $6.46 and got a couple of Catalina coupons for future deals. SALAD for lunch today!

My last stop was at Walmart, where I used some expiring coupons. I spent $13.41, mostly on the Sun Crystals which are Stevia based. Matt has almost convinced me that HFCS is poison, but I still bought the Marshmellows to make ambrosia. That is what the sour cream is for also. I am looking for more ways to incorporate beans into my diet, sloooooowly, and bought red and black beans.
In conclusion, I spent $35.20 and ended up with $6 more in RR and .98 more in ECBS and partially fulfilled a $10 ECB and $20 Rebate deal.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
So it is the end of January
and I think I did pretty well, still have lots of food to plow through. No more frozen chicken, but I have several large cans for Chicken Salad. Still lots of tuna and some frozen and canned salmon left. I am thawing out some sirloin steaks today. I bought some milk and some ground chuck yesterday. What can I say, I had a red meat craving. I am plowing through the cereal. Matthew sent me a link about the poison that white sugar and HFCS are. Sigh. I am making spaghetti sauce today, with the rest of the ground chuck. Spinach salad for lunch. We had about 2 inches of snow, and I am going to just sit here and make some plans. Or take a nap. Hmmm.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
They like their Balogh!
My 13 Balogh auctions ended this afternoon averaging $12.50 each. Not too shabby. This one went for over $27.
I had tuna salad on a whole grain thin and a banana for lunch, and I think I will finish off the rice krispies for dinner. I am taking my last mini meatloaf and a spinach salad to work for lunch tomorrow. I did buy some packaged Laura's lean hamburger today as it was marked down. It went in the freezer. Glad I had room to store it now! I bought banana's also. A week to go and I am still under my $50 budget. There is still a heck of a lot of food around here. I may be doing this next month also.
I had tuna salad on a whole grain thin and a banana for lunch, and I think I will finish off the rice krispies for dinner. I am taking my last mini meatloaf and a spinach salad to work for lunch tomorrow. I did buy some packaged Laura's lean hamburger today as it was marked down. It went in the freezer. Glad I had room to store it now! I bought banana's also. A week to go and I am still under my $50 budget. There is still a heck of a lot of food around here. I may be doing this next month also.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Book sale
the Paducah Friends of the Library book sale was a little disappointing. It was $2 for a brown paper bag full of books, and I did almost fill a bag, but I probably should have driven down yesterday after work. Not a whole lot left. I went to the Goodwill down there and found 3 more books. This is me being picky for a change. Photographed some more books when I got home and got the pictures uploaded, so just listing to do tomorrow. The Balogh books end tomorrow, it will be interesting to see what they end up with.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Cereal for dinner
Had to buy some more milk today, and some sandwich thins. I had cereal for dinner. Just Because. I am going to bed early, because I am driving to Paducah for a Library book sale tomorrow, early. I will be very picky about what I buy!
Monday, January 18, 2010
I basically just snacked all day on leftovers. Got lots of books sorted, photographed and boxed. Lots of action on my Balogh auctions. Lots of kittified help, which is actually a hindrance, but don't tell them I said so. I didn't get around to making the apple dumplings, but sometime this week I will! The freezer door now closes comfortably. I am making headway here.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Sunday Listings
I bookmooched a bunch of Mary Balogh Signet regencies on Bookmooch a couple of weeks ago, and went through my own collection today and exchanged my worn copies for the nicer ones, and then listed the rest on EBay. Her newer books don't go for much, but these little old Signets can go for $20-$40 sometimes. I put 13 of them up and a box of her newer stuff.
I ate my chicken salad and chopped up some hotdogs to throw in barbecue sauce, just to use them up. I will pretend like they are little smokies. I believe I am going to make this tomorrow
and take them to work for breakfast the rest of the week. They make my mouth water, and I have everything to make them with.
I ate my chicken salad and chopped up some hotdogs to throw in barbecue sauce, just to use them up. I will pretend like they are little smokies. I believe I am going to make this tomorrow
and take them to work for breakfast the rest of the week. They make my mouth water, and I have everything to make them with.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
I have to confess that while I was dealing with my electrical problems, I ate out twice. Once at Wendy's and once at Taco Bell. I bought some more spinach yesterday, and finished off the tuna casserole. I made a chicken salad to eat with the spinach. I need to sit down and figure out the next weeks meals tomorrow, see if that will help me use up stuff in the freezer. I did unpack the freezer and repack it, so I know I have some sirloin steaks from OMAHA and some ham and chicken left in there. Oh, and a pack of bacon. Have to make something with bacon!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
I have the Power!
And the house is slowly warming back up. Sassy has come out of hiding. Now I can think about what I want for dinner!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Electrical Problems
I am sitting at home, waiting for the electrician to show up. My master circuit breaker started getting hot and tripping yesterday, and after setting it and then having it trip a couple of hours later I left it off and spent the night in Carbondale. I called this morning, and they said afternoon. When I got back to the house it was 41 degrees inside. I reset the breaker, and since it was cold to start with it may last till he gets here. I did some research online and then called brother Jeff. I am pretty sure it just needs to be replaced. If there was a short somewhere it would be one of the individual breakers tripping. Fun stuff, owning your own home. I will update later.
Later---oh, boy. Looks like I need a new box both inside and outside, and time to upgrade to 200 amp service, since I will be getting the place ready to either sell or rent next year. Close to $3,800. Fun. I really thought I might get to do something fun with my savings. Looks like I really need to get busy on EBAY. I am staying the next two nights at Karen's because they can't get here till Thursday to do the change out.
Later---oh, boy. Looks like I need a new box both inside and outside, and time to upgrade to 200 amp service, since I will be getting the place ready to either sell or rent next year. Close to $3,800. Fun. I really thought I might get to do something fun with my savings. Looks like I really need to get busy on EBAY. I am staying the next two nights at Karen's because they can't get here till Thursday to do the change out.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Tuna on Toast
I made some tuna in a white sauce and ate it on toast. I then boiled some macaroni and added peas for a casserole to take to work for lunch tomorrow. As I was eating my tuna on toast, I was thinking that there are a lot of people in this world who would not find it appealing at all! For me it is a comfort food, a throw back to my childhood, along with the casserole. My Mom doesn't like celery. As kids, we were not exposed to celery. Other people had celery in everything. Same with squash. As we get older and try new things our palate will embrace other tastes. I don't ever get tired of the old family favorites though. Well, those that were my favorites, anyhow. Never did like fishsticks. Ever. Bought my Sunday paper and a canteloupe and 3 bananas. Spent another $3.50 for a new total of $22.40 for the month.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Freezer door
I have a refrigerator with the freezer on the bottom. I just noticed that the door keeps popping open a bit, so I really need to get in there and rearrange some things. I had a sloppy joe for lunch, and am using up the last of the spinach, with some separated clementines and crasins and walnuts for dinner. Yum. Had too many Mt. Dews today, I am going to try and have just one a day this week-end. Took two more boxes of books to the post office today. I need to get another load of recycling out of here. I am clearing things out, slowly but surely!
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Getting colder and windier
We are dropping to the single digits again tonight, and the dry snow is expected to blow all over the place. At least I only had to brush it off the car this morning, no scraping involved. I had my last salmon patty for lunch, and some potato soup. Snacked on two clementines. Came home starving and made a sloppy joe with the hamburger I had browned and frozen. I bought a box of clementines and milk and eggs yesterday, for a total of $12.26. Will boil 8 eggs tonight and make some tuna on toast. Left over tuna and white sauce will be combined with macaroni and peas for my old standby tuna casserole. I'm thinking I may be able to do this for 2 months. We will see how it goes, but there is no end of the food in sight.
Total spent in January on food= $18.90
Total spent in January on food= $18.90
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Cold and Dry
It is still very cold outside, and very dry. I have to goop my hair up good to keep it from standing on end and waving in the breeze. I shock the kitties everytime I touch them. We are practicing avoidance right now. I had oatmeal for breakfast and the rest of my sweet and sour chicken for lunch. I just got home and made a big spinach salad with a few bites of left over salmon, mandarin oranges, craisens and almonds. Yum. The spinach is in better shape than I thought, so will probably take it to work tomorrow for lunch, with some of the mashed potato soup. Tonight I am going to thaw out some frozen goulash for dinner.
I dropped another three packages off at the post office this afternoon. Now I need to get the trash together for tomorrows pick-up. Did I mention that it is COLD outside?
I dropped another three packages off at the post office this afternoon. Now I need to get the trash together for tomorrows pick-up. Did I mention that it is COLD outside?
Monday, January 4, 2010
Back to work.
Hmmmm. Back to the alarm clock driven world. 8 more months of this. I had left over sweet and sour chicken for lunch, and there is enough for tomorrow's lunch still in the refrigerator at work. I had oatmeal for breakfast, and will for the rest of the week. I thawed out a salmon filet from my last Omaha Beef order and that will be dinner, with a spinach salad. Have to use up the spinach, because it is getting to "that" stage. It is still Very, Very cold outside. I don't like it. Took a couple of bags of books to mail after work, and have a box to go in tomorrows mail. May get Brians box ready to go too. Two people from last nights auctions haven't paid yet, makes me nervous because they bid at the last minute, so they were right there on the computer and it would have been easiest to pay RIGHT then. Right?
Oh good, one of them just paid. Off to print a shipping label!
Oh good, one of them just paid. Off to print a shipping label!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
First Groceries trip
I go out Sunday mornings to get my local paper for the coupons, sales ads, and maybe some news. I get the St. Louis Post Dispatch delivered on Sundays, but the local paper doesn't have a Sunday only delivery. I bought some Broccoli, green onions and celery for today's soup. I spent $6.64. Jean-Claude is checking out the green stuff. Sorry guy, it's not catnip. The soup is smelling soooo good. As you can see, I substituted the broccoli for the cauliflower. I have never been much of a cauliflower fan. This is a big pot. I may take some in to work in a crockpot. I will freeze several extra servings for me. This and some garlic Texas Toast from the freezer will be a great dinner for me!
ps....oh my goodness, this is some rich stuff. I could barely eat my cup full. This will be many, many servings!
ps....oh my goodness, this is some rich stuff. I could barely eat my cup full. This will be many, many servings!
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Wanchai Ferry Sweet and Sour chicken
I have several of these Wanchai Ferry kits. You add your own chicken, and I really like the sauce, but I add more Water Chestnuts and pineapple. Of course I do. I had some for dinner and packaged the rest to take to work on Monday. It should feed me through Tuesday or Wednesday for lunch. I bought them with coupons on a mega saver sale at Kroger for about $1.52 each. They feed four.
I have some left over mashed potatoes, and am thinking about making this tomorrow. I copied it off someone else's blog that is also participating in the pantry challenge. I don't have celery and cauliflower, but I have everything else. May throw in some celery seed and call it good. It has been so cold here that I am in a soup mood.
Leftover Mashed Potato Soup:p
3 cups(ish) mashed potatoes
1/2 white or yellow onion
2 carrots chopped
2 sticks celery chopped
1 cup cauliflower cut into pieces
2 cups chicken broth
1/4 cup milk (I used 2%)
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, cut into chunks, room temperature
salt and pepper to taste
Pour the finely minced vegetable mixture into a large pot. Add chicken broth, milk and seasonings. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer. Slowly add the cheeses and the mashed potatoes, stirring frequently.
Simmer for approximately 10 more minutes, stirring frequently.
Serve with some warm bread. Ladel into bowls and garnish with more cheese or green onions.
I have some left over mashed potatoes, and am thinking about making this tomorrow. I copied it off someone else's blog that is also participating in the pantry challenge. I don't have celery and cauliflower, but I have everything else. May throw in some celery seed and call it good. It has been so cold here that I am in a soup mood.
Leftover Mashed Potato Soup:p
3 cups(ish) mashed potatoes
1/2 white or yellow onion
2 carrots chopped
2 sticks celery chopped
1 cup cauliflower cut into pieces
2 cups chicken broth
1/4 cup milk (I used 2%)
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 (8 ounce) package cream cheese, cut into chunks, room temperature
salt and pepper to taste
Pour the finely minced vegetable mixture into a large pot. Add chicken broth, milk and seasonings. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer. Slowly add the cheeses and the mashed potatoes, stirring frequently.
Simmer for approximately 10 more minutes, stirring frequently.
Serve with some warm bread. Ladel into bowls and garnish with more cheese or green onions.
Cats and Computers
It often becomes difficult for me to work on the computer because something keeps getting in the way of the screen. The word NO doesn't mean anything to him in this context. Neither does MOVE.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Many boxes of books later....
Wow. This has been a very interesting week. I have mostly sat in my living room going through boxes of books, sorting for EBAY, bookmooch and yardsale. A few, sad to say, have gone on to be recycled, because they were in just that bad of shape. Since last Friday I have mailed 41 books out via Bookmooch and have 19 at this moment to send on Monday. I have a box of books to go to Brian. I have about 6 smaller sets to list on EBAY on Sunday evening. I have about 8 boxes in the foyer for spring yardsale, and I still have about 8 boxes left to list on one loveseat in the living room. I do have a loveseat and ottoman that I can actually sit on and use the way it was meant to be used. Me, my feet up, good light over my shoulder, a book in hand and a cat or two draped over me. Whew!
I had a shake for breakfast, an egg and string cheese for lunch, and I am getting ready to have a grilled cheese sandwich and soup for dinner. Didn't leave the house today, except to take a load of trash out. I'm off to pick which book to read!
I had a shake for breakfast, an egg and string cheese for lunch, and I am getting ready to have a grilled cheese sandwich and soup for dinner. Didn't leave the house today, except to take a load of trash out. I'm off to pick which book to read!
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