Sunday, March 30, 2008
over 200 books listed!
Not my cup of tea though, I love me some regency! That isn't my auction, but I do have most of the Mary Balogh books, and a lot of them go that high.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Harry Dresden- Wizard
Mica was busy cleaning up her bald belly. No stitches, because they glue them back together these days!

cvs and mt. dew
It wasn't a great week for me, but I did do the Mt. Dew deal, 4- 12 packs for $12 with 3 ecbs back, and added a Mach 3 razor to put me over $15 so I could use my 5/15. I had a $3 coupon for the razor, and I don't have my receipt right here, but I didn't use up all of my gift card. I still have .91 left on it! I did order another $25 card from MYPOINTS. So far, since February 1st, I have spent less than $20 cash, and am getting more than that back in rebates. Next week we will get ECB's printing out based on our spending for the winter quarter. I am interested to see how that works, since this is my first time.
See how much better everyone else did by clicking the Super saving saturday title at the beginning of this post.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
I am a day behind on my menu, so I get to eat Sweet and Sour Chicken next week, it just feels like a grilled cheese kind of day. It has been cloudy all day, but the rain hasn't dropped on our heads yet.
I need to get some book lots photographed and up the next few days, 'cause EBAY is running a promotion for those of us with good feedback numbers, .01 listings for auction items starting at .99 or lower. I only use those prices for lots that I know there will be multiple bidders on. I will let you know how it goes!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Dilated Eyes on a partially cloudy day
Monday, March 24, 2008
Menu Plan Monday2
Once again, oatmeal for breakfast, tuna salad for lunch during the week. Snacks in the morning are usually a hard boiled egg and low fat string cheese. I eat alot of apples and oranges this time of year. Bananas have a very small window of opportunity for me. I don't like them too hard and green and can't stand them mushy.
I am eating out of the pantry this week, trying to use up some stores.
Monday- Baked potato, ham from yesterday
Tuesday- Omaha Steaks hamburger on the george foreman grill, baby carrots
Wednesday- Sweet and Sour Chicken and white rice
Thursday- Grilled cheese sandwich and soup
Friday- Big salad with the fixin's
Saturday- Try to get the stew going one more time!
Sunday- Leftovers and clean out the refrigerator!
See what other people are eating at Menu Plan Monday-
Sunday, March 23, 2008
People love their horse stories!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Ebay and books
Sometimes I will find partial sets, and that is when I get on BookMooch and try and fill them in to sell.
It seems that things sell out of my ebay store in cycles. A week ago I had several sales, then none until last night. 3 weeks ago I had a bunch go at once, then a stall for 2 weeks. I don't get it, but enough moves that I am not tempted to shut it down. Yet.
I do need to spend some time prepping and photographing some clothing items tonight so I can have them listed tomorrow evening.
Friday, March 21, 2008
This Week at CVS 3-16 to 3-22
- $8.99 Maybelline Superstay Lipcolor Or Gloss $8.99 ECB free after ECB
- $4.99 Hershey's Pot Of Gold Premium or Nut Asst. 7.7-12oz $4.99 ECB Limit 2 free after ECB
- $.99 Confectionary Lane Jelly Beans 9oz $.99 ECB Limit 2 free after ECB
Total=15.96-5/15 -9 ECBS= 2.03 out of pocket and earned $15.96 ECBS

I split them up into several transactions because the GF was $12.99 and I wanted to get the best use of my 5/15 coupon. So
#1-----one Dove-3.99+ GF 12.99=16.98- 5/15 -3 in coupons- 8.98 ecbs = .22 out of pocket
#2-----3 Doves -11.97 + toothbrush 4.99=16.96- 5/15 -5 coupons-6.96 ecbs = .36 out of pocket ( toothbrush gave 4.99 ecbs and dove deal 5 ecbs back)
#3----GF 12.99 + poison ivy stuff 6.49=19.48- 5/15 -11.99 ecbs=2.55 out of pocket, earned 10 ecbs for the Garnier deal.
summary so far-----3.13 spent out of pocket---10 ecbs left.

#1 2 Bayer @ 4.99=9.98+ 1 Aleve 2.99+ 1 Milk of Mag. 6.19=19.16 -5/15 - 3 coupons - 10 ecbs=1.21 out of pocket but no ecbs printed and I am out!
#2-Bic Soleil refills-5.99 + Venus razor-9.99 +Crest Pro Health Mouthwash-3.49 +2 Lypsyl- 5.98 + Mt. Dew 1.49=26.94- 5/15 -6 coupons =17.29 I paid in cash!!!!!! However, I did get $18.47 back in ECBS so tomorrow I will finish up the Bayer deal and still have plenty to start the next week off with.

Thursday, March 20, 2008
Rush to nowhere.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Wet and Wild, okaaaay, Mild

Across the street you can see the little motocross course my lawn mowing neighbor kid has been on every dry day. He's 12 now, and has had little motorized vehicles since he was 3.

Hey, be happy I am not making you look at pictures of my Poison Ivy rash!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Kitchen Tip Tuesday!
It is a very rainy day today, and supposed to continue all week. We are expecting up to 6 inches. The ditches along the roads are already full. I spent some time after the last rain working in the front border and ended up pulling up some poison ivy. I have it on my neck, my right hip and behind my left knee, in the fold. Misery. I was wearing long pants, so I don't know how this happened. I need a shot. Okay, I am done moaning and groaning. Maybe. Till Tomorrow.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Menu Plan Monday
My menu doesn't vary much for Breakfast and Lunch. I usually have a bowl of steel-cut oatmeal with cinnamon and honey for breakfast, and for lunch I have a can of albacore tuna, a couple of sweet pickles cut up in it and 2 tablespoons of Miracle whip. I eat it on a pita or dip it with Triscuits. Both of these are eaten at work.
Dinner is usually small snacks through out the evening, not a big meal. I deviled 8 eggs yesterday, so they will be snacked on two at a time. I made a Chicken and madarin orange salad with walnuts and raisins and Poppy seed dressing. That will be three servings. I bought a bag of baby spinach, so the chicken salad will be tossed on top of those.
Monday- Chicken Salad early evening
Tuesday- Omaha Steak Hamburger, deviled eggs
Wednesday- Baked Potato with sour cream
Thursday- Chicken Salad
Friday- Eggs, fried potatoes, baked beans
Saturday- Stew in the Crockpot, which I will be freezing in serving sizes, lunch on Chicken salad, if there is any left.
Sunday- Ham and mashed potatoes
See what everyone else is eating this week by clicking on the banner above!
Mica gets selfish.

Sunday, March 16, 2008
Package for Troops

Saturday, March 15, 2008
Ebay and bookmooch
I also had 7 books to ship off of Bookmooch, which is a very good thing, because I had mooched so many myself in the last week and needed to get my numbers back up. Bookmooch allows me an opportunity to move books that aren't worth listing on EBAY by adding them to my inventory and if someone "mooches" it I get a point, which I can then search everyone else's inventory for a book I want. I pay the shipping for any book leaving my house, and the other person pays to ship a book I want to me! If you mooch a book from any other country, it costs you two points, but they get three points for shipping internationally.
Now I have to make a run out to SAMs Club for some more padded envelopes. I really go through those and Sams has the best price around.
I am just throwing this picture of the room I slept in in Scotland, because, you know, there is a book thing going on in this post!

I am working on some sort of weekly format for the bloggy thing. There are so many things you can participate in on a weekly basis, and some of them are right up my alley, so you may be seeing some changes as this developes.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Jean-Claude's Close-up
I had to go back to my Marion store today, since I had found the BEFINE packets there and haven't seen them anywhere else. I was able to buy 3 more for my limit of 5. I also needed some copy paper and it was on sale for $3.49.
2 reams of paper = $6.98
3 BeFines $5.97
1 Colgate TP $2.99
one tuna $1.00
-5 off of 15 and $1 colgate coupon=10.94
-10 ECBS
+ .08 tax=$1.02 which I paid for with the remaining .63 on my old card and .39 on my new card. I received 9 ecbs for the BeFines and 2.99 for the colgate for a total of $11.99.
Spent 10 ecbs and $1.02 =11.02 so I made .97 this trip.
This week-end I will photograph the items I am sending to Afghanistan, before I pack it all up.

Thursday, March 13, 2008
14.99 RX essentials (2)
3.98 BeFine Facials (2)
10.00 Gift Card
28.97 minus-12.99 in ECBS (leaving me only $4 ecbs left, but getting more w/this transaction)
=$15.98- 5 off of $15
= 10.98- two $5 coupons
=.98 +.01 tax
Out of Pocket=.99
S0, I spent .99 + my $12.99 in ECBS. =13.98
I will get back $14.99 in rebate check for the RX essential. I have a $10 gift card and I got $6 in ECBS. The secret was paying the ECB's first and coupons last.
This was my best trip yet. Basically a $17 profit, minus the cost of a stamp. You can see how other folks are saving at Money Saving Moms Super Saving Saturday!
CVS will be reinbursed for the coupons, and the b1g1 free deal by the manufacturers. In answer to yesterdays response, they can stay in business because very few people go to the trouble to figure it all out. I have had people tell me they just throw those cash register coupons away. MONEY, people.
Also, if you pay the normal price for stuff there, it is more expensive than say, Walmart, but my point is to avoid paying those prices and use the deals to pay for the other stuff I want or need.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
March 12, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
This week at CVS 3-9 to 3-15

Alavert on sale for $7.99 and giving back $3 ECB's and a $4 printable coupon here.
Colgate is a monthly deal, $2.99 and giving back $2.99 ECB's, plus I have a $1 coupon.
So, 5.98 for GF, 7.99 alavert, 2.99 colgate=16.96-5 off of 15 CVS money off coupon -4 coupon -1 coupon= $6.96 paid with two $2.99 ECBS, and the second one had to be adjusted down to 2.96. Out of pocket I paid .12 tax. I got $4 ECB, $3 ECB and $2.99 ECB. So in conclusion, I used 5.98 in ECBS and got back 9.99 ECBS, for a difference of 4.01 -.12 tax.
3.89 is basically what I was paid to take this stuff home.
This sets me up for my next deal. Uh huh, uh huh!
Saturday, March 8, 2008
February at CVS
- 1 GB San Disk thumb drive
- 1 large Johnson's Lotion- anti-stress
- 3 chewable CVS 81mg aspirin
- 2 pkg Stayfree minipads
- 2 90ct Benefiber Chewables
- 3 pkg NutriTrim Gum
- 1 8pk Viva towels
- 3 Palmolive dishwashing soap
- 2 12roll Cottonelle tp
- 1 Venus razor
- 1 box Kleenex
- 3 pkg Kotex pads
- 1 Gillette Phenom Razor
- 1 32 ct box Bayer Aspirin
- 1 8 roll Charmin
- 2 Mt. Dews
- 2 Maybelline Eye Shadow
- 1 Sambucol -flu relief
- 5 Boost Smoothies-raspberry!
- 1 can tuna
- 2 100ct Excederin
- 2 Theraflu
The thumb drive was $19.99 and the two razors were $9.99 each. After I get my flyer for next week in tomorrows paper, I will line up my deals and share them with you.
Friday, March 7, 2008
cvs part 2
CVS -Part 2
First let me say that this is my new treasure hunt fun. For the past 8 years I have been selling clothing and books on EBAY and thrift shops and yard sales have been my treasure hunts. However, I have so much current inventory that hasn't been listed that I can not justify buying anymore until I clear it out, sooooo, I needed something else to satisfy the scavenger in me. This is it.
ECB- Extra Care Bucks
When you sign up for your extra care card, you begin earning money on your first purchase. You get 2% of the total you spend at CVS back in ECB's quarterly. Since our goal is to spend as little as possible, this won't amount to much.
However, CVS also has Monthly and Weekly ECB deals. This month, when you buy a certain size of CVS vitamin C, a specific size of Colgate Total toothpaste or Lypsyl lip moisturizer, you get ECB coupons worth the same amount you paid for those items. Every month the deals change. They also have deals like buy $20 worth of Benefiber, get $10 ECBs. These print out at the bottom of your receipt when you have fulfilled the terms of the deal. It doesn't have to be in one transaction, but does have to be in the same week or month. The links I have posted above also list whatever manufacturers coupons have come out for these items that are not expired.
After you have been using your CVS card for a few weeks, CRT's or Coupon Register Tape coupons will start printing out for items you have bought previously. You can combine CVS Crt coupons and manufacturers coupons for the best deal. When you combine the ECB deals with double coupons and the money off coupons we talked about in part 1, the savings will amaze you. Next time I will line out the deals I will be working next week, so you will see how it all works.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
cvs part 1
- Toilet Paper, paper towels, tissue
- Laundry soap, dish soap, dishwasher detergent, cleaning supplies
- Body lotion, shampoo, conditioner, razors, blades, bathing supplies
- Toothpaste, tooth brushes, dental floss
- Vitamins
- Aspirin/painkiller, cold medicine, fiber supplements
Even if you are brand loyal, if it is a brand carried by CVS you will probably have opportunities to save big time.
You need to get a CVS ExtraCare card. You can do it online or at the store. If you fill out the form at the store you can start using it immediately. Once you have a card, you sign up online for the email offers and they send you an email with a $4 off of $20 purchase coupon. You can make multiple copies of this and use it until it expires. There will be others later, but this is your first MONEY OFF coupon. This month, March 08, there is a $5 off of $15 available on various websites.
Tip #1- Try and keep your total purchase above but as close to the amount of your money off coupon as possible. This is your total before coupons.
Tomorrow I will talk about ECB's or Extra Care Bucks. Here is what I got for 24 cents today. I actually really like the benefiber chewables!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Ice Ice Baby

3:00pm--It didn't go away, but I don't think it is here to stay. It is supposed to be sunny tomorrow and up to 44 so it will all disappear. This is my poor lilac, by my front porch. You notice the ice and snow isn't really sticking to the ground. That is because two days ago it was in the high 60's and the ground is too warm. It hasn't started to stick to the roads yet either, which is a good thing because I still need to get to the Post Office and drop off some packages and then to Sam's for some printer ink.

Alrighty then. Maybe I spoke too soon.
The picture above was taken at 3pm when I got home from work, and the picture below is at 4:30pm, after running errands. I think the ground has cooled down somewhat, don't you?
Monday, March 3, 2008
Rain, Rain, Go Away

Sunday, March 2, 2008
Cinnamon and Honey
It is a beautiful day today, supposed to get up in the 70's, but down to the 50's for a high tomorrow and chance of snow on Tuesday. What a winter this has been. The University has been closed three days so far for the ice storms, which hasn't happened in a long time!
My kittens are almost 8 months old and I actually caught Sassy snuggled up with Jean-Claude the other day, which is a first, other than photo shoots I arranged!