- $8.99 Maybelline Superstay Lipcolor Or Gloss $8.99 ECB free after ECB
- $4.99 Hershey's Pot Of Gold Premium or Nut Asst. 7.7-12oz $4.99 ECB Limit 2 free after ECB
- $.99 Confectionary Lane Jelly Beans 9oz $.99 ECB Limit 2 free after ECB
Total=15.96-5/15 -9 ECBS= 2.03 out of pocket and earned $15.96 ECBS

I split them up into several transactions because the GF was $12.99 and I wanted to get the best use of my 5/15 coupon. So
#1-----one Dove-3.99+ GF 12.99=16.98- 5/15 -3 in coupons- 8.98 ecbs = .22 out of pocket
#2-----3 Doves -11.97 + toothbrush 4.99=16.96- 5/15 -5 coupons-6.96 ecbs = .36 out of pocket ( toothbrush gave 4.99 ecbs and dove deal 5 ecbs back)
#3----GF 12.99 + poison ivy stuff 6.49=19.48- 5/15 -11.99 ecbs=2.55 out of pocket, earned 10 ecbs for the Garnier deal.
summary so far-----3.13 spent out of pocket---10 ecbs left.

#1 2 Bayer @ 4.99=9.98+ 1 Aleve 2.99+ 1 Milk of Mag. 6.19=19.16 -5/15 - 3 coupons - 10 ecbs=1.21 out of pocket but no ecbs printed and I am out!
#2-Bic Soleil refills-5.99 + Venus razor-9.99 +Crest Pro Health Mouthwash-3.49 +2 Lypsyl- 5.98 + Mt. Dew 1.49=26.94- 5/15 -6 coupons =17.29 I paid in cash!!!!!! However, I did get $18.47 back in ECBS so tomorrow I will finish up the Bayer deal and still have plenty to start the next week off with.

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