Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Spring Cleaning
I sprayed some more poison Ivy in the front border. Just not brave enough to pull it up right now. I also dragged some blocks to the side of the house where I usually set up my yard sales. I will use them to make elevated platforms for the boxes of books I will be selling.
Then I had to go do laundry, because my clothes were filthy. Fun. It was a beautiful day, cool and sunny and perfect for the work I had to do. Still no more blossoms on my poor Azalea. Poop.
Monday, April 28, 2008
azalea, sort of.

Sunday, April 27, 2008
Almost Sick
It is only 2 pm, but I may be going back to bed with a book or two. Toodle loo.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Super Saving Saturday #3
Great deals earlier this week at CVS and Walgreens, but after yard sales this morning I took Karen's card to make her some money.
She had $1.50 ecb for her spring spending, and that was it. I woke up sneezing today so I wanted to work in the Alavert deal. The first store only had one ALAVERT, so I had to change my strategy.
Trip one.
Alavert 6.99 -4 coupon +4 ecbs
Biore strips 6.49 -1 coupon and part of buy $15 get 5 ecbs
Herbal essence B1G1 free $3.99 -3 coupon off two
Speed Stick 3.99 +3.99 ecbs
21.46- 4/20 cvs coupon=17.46
-8 coupons=9.46-1.50 ecbs +tax= 9.02 out of pocket, get back $7.99 ecbs
Trip two
Alavert 6.99 -4 +4
John Frieda Dream curls 2/ 9.98 -3 coupon and 1 crt coupon Finish $15 get 5 ecbs deal
16.97 - 3/15 cvs coupon= 13.97
-8 coupons +4 ecb from above =1.97 +tax= 2.18 out of pocket and got back 4 and 5 ecbs.
So I spent the $1.50 ecb+ 9.02 + 2.18 =12.70
she ended up with 3 ecbs for 3.99, 4, and 5 for a total of $12.99 so we made .29 cents and I have three packages of Alavert!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Tall Maddux of Calif swans
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
CVS and Walgreens again
I have been making money this week, because I had some great CRT coupons and Walgreen has a special RR deal. Walgreen's Register Rewards are actually Manufacturer sponsered, just like CVS ECB's, but they have their own little quirks. This week if you buy 2 Aveeno products, you get $2 RR, 3 =$4 RR and 4=$10 RR. They also have it on sale 20% off.
I read that there were $2 coupons in a book of beauty coupons at K-Mart, which is next to my CVS in W.F., so I grabbed a handful of the booklets. The small Aveeno tube was $2.63 on sale, making a total of $10.52 -8.00 in coupons = $2.52, but generating $10 RR. I have done this 3 times this week. The tax was .82 for a total of 3.34 X 3= $10.02 but I now have $30 in RR. The quirk in RR is that I can use them to buy more Aveeno, but if I do, another one will not be generated. If I use them to buy something from another manufacturing company, that is also generating RR, it will work. I can use them on something that is in their rebate book, or just spend them like cash, but once you get started, you just want to roll them over!
I had a $5 duracell CRT, and a $2 Dove CRT. I still had a $4 coupon on the Alavert. Before this first deal on my new card, I had 2, 4, and 3.99 ECBs. The duracell had a peel-off .50 coupon. I had $1.50 coupon on the dove, and I had purchased some earlier so only needed 7.01 for a 5 ECB. (buy 15, get 5)
alavert 6.99-4 +4 ECB
Dove 7.99-2 +5 ECB
Duracell 4.79-5.50
19.77 plus tax put me over $20. I used my 4 off of $20 coupon, the 4 alavert coupon, $7 crts and 2.50 other coupons. I handed over my 2 ecb and paid .84 on my card. I now have a balance of $24.16. I also got 9 in ecbs. 9-2 ecbs and .84 means I made a profit here of $6.16. So the total profit so far this week is $29.09 and it is only Tuesday! My ECBs are now up to 16.99 from 9.99, but that is included in the $29.09 profit.
I want to emphasize this, because that is money that can then be spent on those items that rarely get coupons, like meats and milk. You can say, I never use those things so why would I buy them, but they generate cash like usable income to cover things you do use. Yes, it is work and if you don't enjoy doing it or get a kick out of it, then it probably doesn't have a big enough payoff for you. But if you are like me, it is a game with a little profit built in!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Dog Sitting
I am dog sitting tonight for Karen G as she got a call about a last minute opening in the Sleep Study she has been waiting for. Her dog Padan is 14 and a chihuahua and shih-zhu mix. He can't hear anymore but has his manic puppy moments. Parker is a big, long, black lab, and a couch potato. Padan will spend an hour grooming Parker's face while he rolls around, trying to lift his head out of the way, but not standing up to avoid him.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Beautiful Day
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Tree and Garden pictures
This is my Sassafrass, just beginning to leaf out.
At the front of the walk you can see the Azalea that is going bye-bye if she doesn't bloom this year!
My Crabapple in the side yard. Loaded.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Show and Tell Friday Swans 3

These are the swans that started it all. Once again, it is those swoopy lines I love. And the pastel colors. And the fact that they are McCoy pottery. When I bought these some 25-30 years ago, they cost me between $6-8 but now they are hard to find for less than $25. They stand about 9 inches tall and 6 inches wide. I still need the yellow one, but it will show up when it will. My McCoy collection has the solid pastel greens, pinks, blues and some darker blue greens. I don't much care for the painted pieces, but, as you will see later, some of my swans have painted beaks and feet. Anyhow, next to the shell swan from last week, these are my favorites!

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Flowering trees!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Back at work.
#6 had a PT test yesterday. I wonder how he is feeling today?
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Lazy Day
I can't sort through the boxes I have in here because I can't move any of them. No auctions going up tonight.
Okay, I am pouting. Jon would say, stretch your hamstrings! Build up your core! I will, next week.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
My Shell Swan

Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Bad Back from Boxing Books?
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Busy Boxing Books
Howsomever, there is a big rummage sale this Friday-Saturday put on by the local C'dale churches and then the C'dale Library book sale on Saturday. More books, I betcha. I will certainly be scarfing up any Kenyon books I see. Or Horse stories. Or Mrs. Tim.
I had a good time at CVS on Sunday, and didn't even use any ECBS. I bought three gift bags at $1.49 each. They are a cvs brand Essence of Beauty product and the sale this month is buy 3 items get 5 ECB's. The RX essentials again, I had 2 $5 manufacturers coupons and a $5 cvs coupon for them that expired on Sunday. The special was buy one, get one free. They cost $14.99, minus my $15 in coupons. The Excederin is another special this week, $1.99 each with $2 manufacturers coupons floating around, and $1 ecb's each. With my $4 off of $20 purchase coupon, I paid less than a dollar and got back $8 in ECB's. So once again, they paid me $7.50 to take this stuff home. Do you see Mica in the upper corner, trying to eat some bag ties?

Sunday, April 6, 2008
Friday, April 4, 2008
Show and Tell Friday #1

I am not sure how this started. I was finding McCoy pottery back in the early 80's and loving the pastel colors. The swans just started showing up in my collection with everything else, but now I have so many they have their own space. Actually, they have outgrown this particular space, and I am trying to decide where they will be moving to next. The one to the left of the center blue vase is all little sea shells. I think it has become my favorite, but I still love the tall McCoy ones in the back.
See everyone else's Show and Tell Friday and maybe add your own!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Harry is going to Canada.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
I have an excuse.
Sunday I did a trip to Aldi's and Cvs. Suprise!
Turkey tenderloins, carrots, storage containers and brown sugar for $16.34 at Aldi's.
4 softsoap spa body wash, 2 lady speedsticks, one fusion razor, 2 pkgs Glucerna snack bars, and a Mt. Dew, which somehow didn't make it into the picture, for $3.47 oop. The softsoap spa is this months free ECB special, and I grabbed them because they have a tendency to disappear after the first few days and never make it back into stock.
Today I did my Kroger run, needing Kitty Litter.
Kitty Litter, Progresso Soup, Biscuits, Deli Meat, 3 Fuze Slenderize drinks, mustard, and sugar cookie mix for$8.47. The cashier said "Wow".