Monday, August 30, 2010

Budgeting and retirement

I am using a program called YNAB (You Need a Budget) because I have never been much of a budgeter and living off one paycheck a month may take a little getting used to.  The first few months I am going to get an estimated payment while they complete all the paperwork, then a correction followed by my actual retirement pay.  I will get a State University Retirement Check on September 1st, and I have one last paycheck from SIU coming in on the 10th, but then things will settle down.  It was a little complicated setting up my accounts, because I have Paypal, Siu Credit union, ING and BOA checking accounts and savings at ING and SIUCredit Union.  May need to do some consolidation. 

I am also stuck at home till the 1st, because my health Insurance as an employee ended on the 27th and my retiree insurance doesn't kick in until Wednesday.  I didn't plan that too well, but I didn't want to have to work these last two days!

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