Monday, March 17, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

My menu doesn't vary much for Breakfast and Lunch. I usually have a bowl of steel-cut oatmeal with cinnamon and honey for breakfast, and for lunch I have a can of albacore tuna, a couple of sweet pickles cut up in it and 2 tablespoons of Miracle whip. I eat it on a pita or dip it with Triscuits. Both of these are eaten at work.

Dinner is usually small snacks through out the evening, not a big meal. I deviled 8 eggs yesterday, so they will be snacked on two at a time. I made a Chicken and madarin orange salad with walnuts and raisins and Poppy seed dressing. That will be three servings. I bought a bag of baby spinach, so the chicken salad will be tossed on top of those.

Monday- Chicken Salad early evening

Tuesday- Omaha Steak Hamburger, deviled eggs

Wednesday- Baked Potato with sour cream

Thursday- Chicken Salad

Friday- Eggs, fried potatoes, baked beans

Saturday- Stew in the Crockpot, which I will be freezing in serving sizes, lunch on Chicken salad, if there is any left.

Sunday- Ham and mashed potatoes

See what everyone else is eating this week by clicking on the banner above!

Mica gets selfish.

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